Using MOVES-Matrix is easy. The nature of the matrices of emissions and energy use rates are in plain text (.csv files), and can be accessed with any application that reads text files. The Georgia Tech team prepared a Python-based running module to facilitate assembling the emissions and energy use rates, and users can code their own script for the same purposes.
MOVES-Matrix is the output from EPA’s MOVES model, and it is highly recommended to go through the basics of MOVES before getting started with MOVES-Matrix (if you are not yet familar MOVES, that is). A MOVES master slide deck prepared by the Georgia Tech team can be found here, and the users are encouraged to refer to EPA’s website on MOVES for more information.
It is important to understand the motivation, methodology, etc. of MOVES-Matrix, and a master slide deck of MOVES-Matrix can be found here.
Python 2.7 or a higher version (including Python 3) is required for launching the running module of MOVES-Matrix (although the user does not need to have any coding background to launch the running module – see the instructions below). Guides for installing Python can be found in various places online (we are skipping it here). The only “coding” that the user needs to do is to modify two lines of code (to specify where we put the script and the database). It is important to go through the quick start guide before launching any MOVES-Matrix task.
The database of MOVES-Matrix is large (120+ GB per region, and 117 regions for the US), and the team is working on public available storage of the matrices. MOVES-Matrix running module with a sample dataset of Atlanta (Fulton County, GA) can be found here, and please feel free to contact us at and if you are interested in other regions.
If you have any questions/comments when running MOVES-Matrix, you are welcome to contact us as well at and Hope you enjoy the running module!